

At Music con Brio, no one is ever turned away due to financial need.

Tuition is a vital part of the long-term financial stability of Music con Brio.  We ask that every family contribute what they can in order to continue providing the best possible program, instruments, and equipment for our students.  Tuition is based on annual household income. If you need a different payment plan than paying your semester tuition in full by the second week of class, you must speak with the director within the first week of class. If no tuition payment is received nor communication made, we reserve the right to give your child’s spot to another student.

2020-21 Tuition Chart


Please note that the “per semester” totals are for one 15-week semester, and do not include the optional Summer Intensive session or Summer Workshop Series events.

Tuition for online solo lessons:

Family Income Tuition
$10,000 and under/year $15-$60 per semester
$10,000-$19,999/year $100 per semester
$20,000-$29,999/year $200 per semester
$30,000-$39,999/year $300 per semester
$40,000+/year $400 per semester

Solo lessons are in place of partner lessons, and are only available at the discretion of the director. Solo lessons will be charged an additional fee of up to $200 per semester, also based on a graduated scale.


Income verification will be requested for families requesting graduated tuition fees. Acceptable documents include previous year’s tax returns or current pay stubs from all jobs held by guardians of students enrolled in Music con Brio.